How to disable non essential services that are prone to exploitation? Core

Disabling unneeded services is a wise practice. As a result, fewer ports are available for exploitation in case of unwanted services running on the server of the nonessential service.

Install the systemd package:

sudo apt-get install systemd

See which non essential services are running:

systemctl list-units

Recognize which services may expose your system to potential risks. Each service has its own price.

Stop the service if it’s currently running:

systemctl stop <service>

Disable the service from starting on boot:

systemctl disable <service>

After running these commands, check the status of the non-essential services:

systemctl status <service>

At Velan, our server support engineers can remove unwanted services& manage your Linux server. If you are interested in our service, please fill the Quick connect form to get in touch with us.


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