How to Install and Use AWS CLI Tool on Linux?
The aws command line interface tool can help us to manage aws services through our Linux instances. Here we can see how to install and how to use.
Installing the AWS CLI:
AWS CLI tools are available under the default Linux repositories. Install AWS CLI on Linux systems as follows based on the flavor of Linux.
sudo apt install awscli
sudo dnf install awscli
sudo yum install awscli
Generate Access Keys:
Generate the Access Key and Secrete Access Key to your AWS Account.
Configure AWS CLI:
Next, configure the AWS cli tools to connect with your AWS account.
$ aws configure
It will prompt for AWS Access Key ID and Secret Access Key created in above step.
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: 3SDFskjf8KDfjksdf9sdfjsdkfjkKSDKSJFKD
Default region name [None]: ap-southeast-2
Default output format [None]:
Now your system is installed &configured with the AWS CLI tools.
Working with AWS CLI Tools:
AWS CLI tools provide you options to manage multiple AWS services via the command line. Please use below samples command to get the help.
Here are few commands to work on your AWS services.
$ aws help — will list usage and syntaxes.
$ aws ec2 describe-instances – It will list all the instances from your account
$ aws ec2 describe-instances –region= us-west-1 – This command will list instances from other zones.
$ aws s3 list – This command will list all the S3 buckets.
At Velan, our server support engineers can help you with install and configure AWS CLI on your server. We are installing like these for our clients every day. If you are interested in our service, please fill the Quick connect form to get in touch with us.