18 Nov 2020

How To Tackle Claim Denials? – The Easiest Way Out

Your insurance claim was denied!!! – It is something you do not want to hear. A denied claim means it is reversed to the pavilion to appeal once again, and, long waiting hours and more costs ensue it. Claim Denials Management is often confused with Rejected Claims. Let us understand what claim denials are before... Continue Reading Continue Reading

17 Nov 2020

Why Is Business Process Improvement Mandatory After BPA To Pivot Your Organization’s Growth (Even For Small Businesses!)?

Business Process Improvement Mandatory:: If you are considering reading about business process improvement, it means either you are considering (which is the most needed!) automation and improvement or started automating your business processes or you have already automated a few, if not all of them. We are sure you are enjoying the remarkable value associated... Continue Reading Continue Reading

17 Nov 2020

How To Edit Your Product Images Like A Pro In 7 Easy Steps?

E-Commerce Product Images

How To Edit Your eCommerce Product Images: 50% of online shoppers say images helped them decide what to buy. That’s a whopping number that decides your eCommerce’s fate. Product photography is crucial when your business is revolving around it. It may sound intimidating, but it is certainly not. However, that does not mean you can... Continue Reading Continue Reading

17 Nov 2020

What Are The 4 Problems With In-House Medical Billing?

Outsourced Medical Billing

Outsourced Medical Billing in-House: Handling a medical practice has never been easy in the past, and there is no new reason for it to be in the present unless you outsource it to the right expert because having an in-house medical billing team is difficult. We will get to the details. It makes the physicians... Continue Reading Continue Reading

17 Nov 2020

Thinking Of Cloud Migration For Your Business: Comply With The Checklist

cloud migration steps

What are The Cloud Migration Steps: Migrating your business to the cloud will certainly prove beneficial if you are equipped with enough knowledge. The benefits of moving your business to the cloud are numerous, depending on the nature of your business. To receive the total benefits, you must – as an organization – prepare yourself... Continue Reading Continue Reading


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