Generate More Customers With Website Data And Analytics 10 Apr 2020

Me: Do you have a great website with great design and user experience?
Reader: Yes…
Me: Congrats! You have cleared Step #1.
Me: Do your website and its features operate seamlessly?
Reader: Hmmm…yes!
Me: Great! Step #2 – cleared.
Me: Are your customers happy? Or do you at least feel that your customers will be happy visiting your website?
Reader: I think so!
Me: Ok. Step #3 – 50%.
Me: So I’ll skip to #7 question,
Me: Are you making use of your website data to get more customers?
Reader: “Wait, what do you mean?”
If you thought this instantly, then you are missing out on the biggest sales opportunity.
I’ll tell you how.
| Customers are influencing your business decisions.
And for this main reason, it is more crucial for companies to understand their customers at a detailed level. Every business has an online presence today, more specifically, every business has a website today.
And a website is pinned with a web analytics tool. If your web analytics is dormant yet, it is time you understand what magic it can bring to your business, and you must start using it already.
Web analytics is imperative to expand your website and your customers. It gives you valuable insights about your visitor, which otherwise you couldn’t find out. And with that insights, you can surefire optimize your sales and thereby, increase your revenue.
As easy as it may sound, it requires a lot of effort and strategy to analyze your customer’s behavior on the website and make decisions out of it.
There are a few prominent web analytics tools available online, and you can contact Velan Info to understand which will suit your business better to achieve your business objectives.
Let’s understand in detail how having a web analytics tool will help you understand your customers better.
The process begins with
| Real-time user monitoring.
The first thing you would want to know is what your visitors are doing on your website? A website is a digital brick and mortar.
Unlike a physical store, you cannot directly see where your customer is. However, with a web analytics tool, you can monitor your visitor’s – real-time and offline – activities, buying habits, clicks on the website, etc. With this information at your disposal, you will know what has caught your visitor’s attention on your website.
And for B2B businesses, discovering which companies are visiting your website and knowing what they are doing can help you with sales. Besides, you will unveil a lot of other important metrics like the company’s name, size, business details, etc. that you can use for your future needs.
So what happens next?
| You can market new products and services.
You can leverage your visitor’s information to work on your business. Now that you know where your visitors – regardless of B2B or B2C – spent time on your website, you will discover how that product with be beneficial to them.
Most importantly, you can filter your leads from the group.
And this will give you a reason to Upsell and introduce other products to your visitors.
With this information at your disposal, you can directly…
| Market with data.
You have your lead’s solid details – bio, company information, interest. On that note, you can start drafting personalized sales emails and convert your leads to customers.
Adding some personalized information to your email will help your customer realize the genuine efforts you took before reaching out to them. This way, you are earning their trust and making room to upsell.
You have identified your lead, converted them into a customer, and now, you can…
| Forecast your customer’s future demands.
The primary goal of website data is to help you forecast the future based on your customer’s browsing history. You can connect the dots and create the future for your customer to purchase from you.
Like I had mentioned, customers are influencing your business decisions – this is the time. You will figure out new ways to work on existing products and make some real life-changing decisions if need be.
In the interim…
| You can work on improving your website and landing pages.
You don’t need to customize your website for every single visitor that lands on your website. However, with the web analytics data that you have, you can figure out what module on your website could be enhanced.
Leverage that information to improve the design, content, and calls to action on your website and landing page.
Again, this loops to the same message – Customers are influencing your business decisions.
You can work on revisiting the reasons for higher bounce rates – it could be due to the content, design, page loading speed, absence of internal or external links, no relevant flow of information, poor call to action, etc.
| Go big on social media
After you have discovered your genuine fans, you can keep them coming back to you by becoming visible on social media. The process of continual, yet informed iteration will keep your business running smoothly and give way for you to work on better ideas.
And, as a bonus, you will have customers coming back to you over and over for
- the user experience that you provide,
- the care you show towards them by reaching out with personalized messages,
- showing up when they want to decide, and
- constantly working towards giving them what they want/need.
Key Takeaway
| Your Customers Want An Experience. Give It To Them.
Leveraging your website data to get customers is the starting point. And you cannot afford to mess that up. Once you have understood to use the website’s data to figure out your business and visitors, you can start digging deeper into the analytics to expand your business on a large scale.