What is Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)? BPO or business process outsourcing is a common business practice where one organization engages with another organization to complete the tasks for the hiring organization. Outsourcing happens when the hiring organization either lack the expertise and skill or do not have enough time and money to invest in a... Continue Reading
The COVID-19 outburst has introduced us to new uncertainties, problems, and rules to play by. And every business, from local startups to global organizations are striving to tackle and confront in their method. It went to the extent where many companies started shutting themselves down as there was zero business and were not able to... Continue Reading
What are the types of Virtual Assistant Services: Attending back-to-back meetings, networking events, consultations, viewings, etc is a hamster wheel for realtors in a single workweek. While you are doing justice to your physical meetings, it is only fair that you occupy your digital audience, equally. The truth is there is only so much that... Continue Reading
Hiring people for your business, whether it is a startup or a small business indicates you are in an expansion mode. The world is heading towards an online driven technology, which enables us to perform most of our activities virtually. We have Virtual Assistants, freelancers and independent workers taking over work from various locations at... Continue Reading