19 Nov 2020

A Step By Step Guide To Choose The Right DevOps Tools For Your Business

Right devOps tools

DevOps has been a major influence, and it is continuously growing in demand in software development and deployment. It has revolutionized the software development life cycle process for good. DevOps is the cross-pollination of two teams – Development and Operations – that works together to deliver outstanding results in a quicker turnaround time. It is... Continue Reading Continue Reading

17 Nov 2020

Thinking Of Cloud Migration For Your Business: Comply With The Checklist

cloud migration steps

What are The Cloud Migration Steps: Migrating your business to the cloud will certainly prove beneficial if you are equipped with enough knowledge. The benefits of moving your business to the cloud are numerous, depending on the nature of your business. To receive the total benefits, you must – as an organization – prepare yourself... Continue Reading Continue Reading

19 Jun 2020

How IT priorities are shifting during the COVID-19 crisis

Outsourced Managed IT Services

COVID-19 Special Edition: How IT Sectors Are Repositioning Themselves To Handle The Unprecedented Times? The COVID-19 pandemic has turned the world topsy-turvy. From people’s daily living to sustain the future, everyone is having a rough time sailing through to maintain their sane. On the business front, the pandemic has taken the entire world by storm.... Continue Reading Continue Reading

8 May 2020

24 Incredible Benefits of Business Process Automation

Business Process Automation

What is Business Process Automation? Every business is unique, and so are its operating methods. However, all the businesses have one thing in common – Need. Better. Productivity. At. Their. Organization. And here is where the dogma of Business Process Automation (BPA) applies. Business Process Automation (BPA) is a strategy that enables businesses to leverage... Continue Reading Continue Reading

10 Apr 2020

Generate More Customers With Website Data And Analytics

Generate More Customers With Website

Me: Do you have a great website with great design and user experience? Reader: Yes… Me: Congrats! You have cleared Step #1. Me: Do your website and its features operate seamlessly? Reader: Hmmm…yes! Me: Great! Step #2 – cleared. Me: Are your customers happy? Or do you at least feel that your customers will be... Continue Reading Continue Reading


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