Think You Know About DevOps? Validate It Against The Myths 6 Apr 2021

DevOps is misapprehended, and several myths are floating in the business world. And for the pressure that is on the term DevOps – marriage between Development and Operations – it is definitely not surprising.
It has built a huge fan base in the software world globally owing to its very many benefits for the software business world. It reduces cost, breaks down silos, encourages togetherness, improves the performance of the individuals, instills responsibility in every team member, and lots more. It is a positive factor for the business.
With the software business already flourishing with DevOps, it is time that the digital industries explored what DevOps actually means. The word DevOps is the marriage between Development and Operations, however, the concept really links to the marriage between system and processes. The underlying aim still remains intact – break silos and operate as a team.
To harness the power of DevOps, we will quash the myths surrounding DevOps.
Misconception #1: DevOps is Agile!
DevOps and Agile are not the same. Agile methodology is one of the practices of software delivery. It is incremental. DevOps enables faster software delivery. It is a cultural shift and provides multiple business benefits.
DevOps complements agile methodology and is far from being synonymous with it. The use of DevOps in software delivery practices are
- Waterfall – DevOps speeds up and optimizes construction processes and implements automation.
- Agile – DevOps unites the development and operations team and encourages communication.
- Hybrid approach – DevOps improves quality, speed, and compliance.
Misconception #2: DevOps cannot operate without a cloud!
DevOps acknowledges the potential provided by cloud computing. It helps organizations to break the manual barriers and directly use cloud infrastructure to obtain the results. However, cloud computing support is not mandatory for DevOps.
Organizations can still operate efficiently to get and handle computing resources, irrespective of being hosted on the cloud.
Misconception #3: DevOps is a software!
DevOps is a practice that involves automation, acceleration, communication, and collaboration of the development and operations functions. It is required by the organization to get optimum results from the software, and it does not mean that the DevOps itself is a software.
You purchase software to smoothly function DevOps. You need to harness DevOps’ maximum potential to get optimized results.
DevOps supports companies in automating their business processes to facilitate more collaboration and to accomplish a common goal – faster software delivery.
Misconception #4: DevOps is only for development (engineering) and operations team
The benefits of DevOps are not limited to only the development (engineering) and operations team, although the origin of its name means so. Initially, it was launched to break the silos between the two teams as they had to work in unison to achieve optimal results.
As it started showing results, DevOps was slowly implemented in other processes. With DevOps implementation, every individual in the team will hold equal responsibility.
Misconception #5: DevOps is for continuous delivery only!
The idea of DevOps implementation is to accelerate the delivery frequency in the organization – shift from specific delivery date to daily deployment, thus being agile to market changes.
DevOps is a theory that endorses a continuous delivery principle.
Misconception #6: DevOps is not recommended for huge, complex systems!
The truth is the other way round: huge, complex systems need a streamlined and collaborative process that DevOps inherently possess. Large systems ideally have several hardware and software components in them, and they work at their intervals and delivery timelines. With DevOps, you can accelerate delivery cycles and enable better coordination.
Misconception#7: DevOps does not work for native internet companies!
That is not true because Etsy, Flickr, Netflix, and a few other internet-dependent mammoth businesses are vouching for DevOps. They pioneered the DevOps Movement.
Software organizations applied DevOps principles for decades without knowing the existence of the DevOps movement. The only difference was software spoke about DevOps implementation and its benefits a lot.
Misconception #8: DevOps will replace traditional IT roles!
DevOps will not replace traditional IT roles, but it replaced the way traditional IT teams operated. From delivering dubious, intermittent value to delivering validated, continuous value – DevOps replaced the culture between the teams in the organization.
It involves both internal and external stakeholders in the process. Every member of the team is held responsible and accountable for the results they deliver. Unlike the traditional IT practices, blames and accolades will not stop with product management but extend to the development and operations teams.
Misconception #9: DevOps needs physical proximity!
What better situation to prove than the pandemic’s lockdown that this is an absolute myth? The global lockdown has proved that with DevOps implementation, the organization can function seamlessly like before in terms of daily tasks, software development, communication, deliverables, etc.
In fact, it proved to everyone that DevOps will not only work excellently within the internal teams but works equally great with the third-party vendors too.
Misconception #10: DevOps has nothing to do with soft skills!
DevOps is all about communication, extended communication. And soft skill is a major element in communication. The communication between internal and external teams is important. That is dependent on the whole project delivery. Likewise, internal teams need to communicate to understand the common goals, contribute towards the goals, share the best practices, etc. Soft skills are the key to help teams understand the importance of oral communication, message delivery style, empathy, and the value of words.
Don’t let away the myths decide your beliefs. DevOps is an important aspect, and it is essential to make your business processes efficient.
If you are planning on adopting DevOps for your organization, it is mandatory that you leverage an expert’s knowledge to ensure it proves beneficial for your organization. We, at Velan, foster DevOps for our clients. We have expert DevOps consultants to help you with a clearly defined roadmap for association, decisive integration to eliminate risks, planned operations, efficient software delivery, and on the whole, help your business achieve its goals through DevOps implementation.
We get into the final stage of discussion after you have made your solution selections from our DevOps services. We then provide you custom-made DevOps architecture and allocate resources to build desired solutions. We will also recommend the best tools that will fit your solutions at every juncture.