How do you install Virtualmin on Redhat or CentOS? Core

Virtualmin is a web hosting control panel for Linux and BSD systems that is both powerful and adaptable. Virtualmin is the cost-effective and complete solution to virtual web hosting administration, available in an Open Source community-supported version as well as a more feature-rich version with premium support. To install the control panel, we must first... Continue Reading Continue Reading

How to use GPO to enable Windows Lock Screen after inactivity? Core

In this post, we’ll show you how to use Group Policy to setup automatic screen (session) lock on domain workstations and servers. An important aspect of information security is locking the computer screen when the user is inactive (idle). When the user needs to leave the office for a short time, he may forget to... Continue Reading Continue Reading

How to resolve CentOS 8 / RHEL 8’s ifconfig command not being found? Core

ifconfig is a command-line utility that displays network interfaces associated to Linux Servers as well as network information like IP addresses, netmask, and so on and network interfaces have been assigned to them. It also shows the number of transmitted and received network packets, as well as the number of error and dropped packets. When... Continue Reading Continue Reading

How to use WMI and PowerShell to check drive free space on Windows? Core

Access-based Enumeration (ABE) hide the objects (files and folders) from users who don’t have NTFS permissions on a network shared folder. Access-based Enumeration (ABE) checks access permissions on file system objects before the user receives a list of the folder contents. All inaccessible resources are simply not displayed. And for a user from another department, e.... Continue Reading Continue Reading

How to Manage Windows Processes with PowerShell? Core

PowerShell is a powerful tool for managing processes on a local or remote computer. You can retrieve a list of running processes with PowerShell, suspend a hung process, find a process by a windows title, run a new process in hidden or interactive mode, and so forth. In Windows 10, you can see a list... Continue Reading Continue Reading


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