How to configure SFTP Server using OpenSSH on Windows Server 2016? Security

SFTP stands for SSH file transfer protocol or Secure File Transfer Protocol. This pacgage works over a secure connection and the advantage is the ability to leverage a secure connection to transfer files and traverse the filesystem on both local and remote system. The following steps shows how to setup SFTP using OpenSSH on Windows... Continue Reading Continue Reading

How to Install Docker on Windows Server 2016? Dockers

Kernel containerization is a feature that is available in Windows 2016 and is a platform for software packages to run as a service product. It uses OS-level virtualization to deliver software packages called containers. We need to ensure all the windows server security patches are updated before the installation of Docker. VERIFYING WINDOWS UPDATES Go... Continue Reading Continue Reading

How to delete folder with Long Filenames in Windows? Applications

Windows uses Long Filenames (LFN) which supports up to 255 characters. Other operating systems like Mac or Linux does not have similar restrictions. If you try to delete files that are extracted from other OS and exceed ‘windows’ character length, the system will report that the name of the file is too long and cannot... Continue Reading Continue Reading

How to Configure HAProxy Logging on CentOS Linux

HAProxy is an open source software that provides a high availability, load balancer and proxy server for TCP and HTTP based applications that spreads requests across multiple server. Most of the HAProxy installation is not configured with store logs. Steps to install and configure HAProxy with store log is as follows Installation and Enabling HAProxy... Continue Reading Continue Reading

How to Use Linux Screen Linux

How to Use Linux Screen? Screen is a terminal multiplexer. Any number of Windows (virtual terminals) can be started inside a session. Processes will continue to run even when the window is not visible or when you get disconnected. Screen utility allows you to run long running tasks and resume the sessions even when you... Continue Reading Continue Reading


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